We Dare cause We Care
contact phone here: +37360233305
We care for our future - so we take action!
Some words about our campain
Get involved!
This project aims at raising awareness about pollution and climate change amongst youth. The project will be creating a platform that would offer youth (kids of different ages) the possibility to get together, on a regular basis, to discuss the issue of pollution and find solutions for each region they live in.
The problem of air or water pollution, garbage sorting, eco approach to life habits are amongst the most important issues to be addressed at the moment as it is imminently affecting our future. The participants will have the possibility to discuss and come up with ideas on how to solve the issue of pollution in the regions they live in. The main fact that would draw participants’ attention will be the special guests who will be invited to the regular monthly meetings. We hope to get the attention of people who are not indifferent and people who care. Actors, singers, famous people and activists who are concerned about our future are invited to join us - to Dare cause we Care!
DARE to show You CARE
During the last decade the issue of pollution is one of the most discussed issues in many countries around the world. Nevertheless, this issue is ignored by many governments, especially when it comes to immediate action. This is the reason this issue needs to be addressed by the general public immediately and, most importantly, needs to be paid attention to by the youth, the future generation.
The best way to bring awareness amongst youth is through education.

Why get involved?
Make sure you have a safe and sound future!
Collaborate to improve your environment!
Opportunity to change your community!
Our contacts
Phone: +37360233305
E-mail: admin@meta-moldova.md
Your email
Your name
Your idea
All photo and video materials belong to their owners and are used for demonstration purposes only. Please do not use them in commercial projects.
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